Thursday, June 30, 2016


How much do I miss you?
When I remember
Not often

I am thinking of our last embrace
How I ran into the station
Ten minutes early
How I lied to cut-short the suffering

Good thing you knew nothing about trains

Good thing I found some sun

Good thing you've picked up the pieces of your shattered dreams

Each one an intricate puzzle

Don't forget

The clouds are dark
Where I used to live
With you

But I don't think of you so much now
Only instinctually
Only to tell you everything

When I remember...

Not often

Saturday, June 25, 2016

conversations with God

Every morning your sighs blow to me
Across my pillowcase

Your hand reaches out
Touches my cheek

"Awake with me"
You whisper

With my eyes still closed, I lie
"You are not ready for love"

I say
To silence

What will happen if I open my eyes?

Thursday, June 23, 2016

pick me

I saw it hanging there
A ripe sort-of fruit
Suspended in the sunlight
Red and soft and beating...

My heart.