I set out to get lost one day
If I may
Rely upon the ancient text
It works like this, in retrospect:
I had to run and clear my head
I had to smell the sweet perfume
That lying in my dusty bed
Only led to doubt and gloom
I lept up bright one morning grey
No need for coat or shoes
I lept up at the break of day
My feet, the engines of my muse
I ran to that twisted green
All secret plans absorbed there
From only above could I be seen
Thus safe from idle courtiers
And there in pointless paths
I opened up my heart
And watched it fly away
As birds do with a start
I saw it sit so freely
In the tree above my head
As I continued pacing
Crooked lines of bushy mead
I ran, hands brushing living walls
Turning green as the leaves they kissed
I ran both hidden and exposed
Watching my storm clouds shift
The earth had hugged me oh so well
As I stamped across her moss
And God gifted me with being found
The moment I cried, "I am lost"!